tiistai 8. marraskuuta 2011

You know, performing is funny.. When you know that it's coming, you're stressed about it and hoping you wouldn't have to go there. At the moment you come to the performance place and see your all dance mates you start to feel relaxed..relaxed until you really have to start preparing to the stage. When you're wating your turn at the backstage your heart starts beating very fast, but at the moment you have to get to the stage you just feel very confident. "It's gonna be all right!"

And then comes the best part; dance~ The feeling at the stage is just awesome, it's not like you'd like to run away from all those staring eyes. It's the feeling of giving something, expressing your true self.
So, I had dance performance in Tikkurila on Sunday, in nice small place called Vernissa. I had two dances with a group and then my own solo. The solo part was a thing I was most worried about, but it went well and audience seemed to like it! : D
And today...
It's a regular day, I'm sitting on the computer at school with my friend and waiting for our turn in dance hall. But I'm just feeling so happy! I've been feeling happy all day.

You know, my friends are just so awesome and I'm so lucky to know them~
...enjoying this happy day once I really have one ^^

My ladies ; D
lol I'm just some freakin' stalker...

I know, we DID practise dancing...very hard xD

it's always fun w/Taitsu~ <3

2 kommenttia:

  1. yeaa, they're cool right~ thanks to good photographer <3 ..I didn't even know I could jump so high! :o
